Thursday, July 17, 2014

Respiratory/Metabolic Acidosis & Alkalosis - ask the RN

Ever try to Google NPTE then the subject matter that you are trying to look up (ie. Respiratory acidosis vs Respiratory alkalosis) only to find nothing. 

Here is a great video from Simple Nursing that helped me remember the difference between Respiratory/Metabolic Acidosis/Alkakosis.

Nurses have all the creative flashcards and materials for studying their licensing exams. Here are great pictures to help remember the symptoms of Respiratory/Metabolic Acidosis/Alkakosis from a nursing flashcard deck on Studyblue.

Taking the Multidisciplinary Approach to Learning.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Oh god, I feel like I'm going to fail the NPTE!

I've been studying for the NPTE for 6.5 weeks now. I started on June 2nd after I came back from a relaxing vacation in Berlin with my best friend. I study 6 days a week from 9AM-2PM. I have taken 4 exams - 3 from the O'Sullivan review book and 1 PEAT. My classmate is my study buddy and he is one of the top students in my class, served as a tutor for the underclassmen. We analyze our weaknesses and study aloud because we know that 90% of learning is being able to teach it.

In the afternoons/evenings and 1 day off, I indulge in movies and relaxing with my friends so not to burn out. I have read page in the overly-detailed O'Sullivan review book and have incredible typed up notes from my curriculum. Youtube, Wikipedia, Mayo clinic are my best friends. All the exams that I have taken have been under reasonable exam conditions. No noise, at a computer, continuously for 3+hours.

And after all this, I have failed every exam that I have taken. My best score was a 70%. SIGH! I am studying by the book. I believe in trying my hardest but wow....I don't even know if my hardest is enough for this exam. I am usually that person that tells you that I passed... after I passed. It doesn't feel right to tell you about the experience after I put out the fire. I have 6 more days to take 1 more PEAT exam and get on top of this. After my mini breakdown yesterday with my dad, I devised a plan to conquer this exam. If I am successful, I will definitely blog about it. If I'm not, well... I have perfected the art of convincing myself that retaking the exam in October won't be so bad.

Wish me luck.