Friday, April 13, 2012

No vacations during PT school

There are none. Apparently you go to school year round. I did not know this! That was the most important part you will read this this blog post.

I figured it out after 6 months when I was checking in with my faculty to see when I can take some time off with my bf. Even during Xmas, we have a week off for Xmas and new years then it's back to studying for a comprehensive exam that is specific to my school. It's a cumulative exam that pulls from all of our course work up until that point. Technically a great way to keep the knowledge fresh or at least circulating in our brains after the course is over. Though it feels like a never ending cycle of torture.

Then you get, at best 1 week between spring-summer classes, and 1 other break between summer-fall. It is only if your professors are kind enough to schedule your finals right after classes end so you have more time before your next batch of classes start. Keep this mind if you thought you might get summer or winter vacation off in PT school.

Truthfully, should you be going on vacation while carrying around $40k/year debt? I say yes. You need to recoup after being brutalized during the semester. This one really smart fellow in my class said to me he's never worked so hard in his life, not in undergrad, not while working at bear sterns. Ha! Yeah buddy, that's why they went bankrupt. Just kidding about the bear sterns part. But really, You will work hard.

Some people will be displaced and school will be away from their home town. It's a good time to go back to the homestead, do your laundry for free at your mom's house, eat your dad's cooking and watch some good old premium cable tv that you can't afford while at school. Oh and get off that terrible bagel diet for a few days.

For me, I'm a douche bag. I'm on vacation while school is in session. I'm in sunny California with my boyfriend and best friend waiting for a 3 day outdoor weekend concert to begin. I'm skipping some classes and getting school work done on the plane. But taking that much needed break. I've never forgotten the importance of vacation. Its a good reminder of why you are working so damn hard. And a good nitro boost to power through the weeks leading up to finals.

Ok some fun stuff from the plane ride over that amused me and have nothing to do with PT:

Hugo is really a fantastic movie. I tried not to cry on the plane with the super hipsters seated next to me.

Then I saw this funny episode about hipsters on happy endings. I think it was planted.

The man next to me had his iBook, iPad, iPhone and dre beats ON all at once. Then I convinced myself he might be an important tech guy and not to judge. Then I saw him pay for internet to surf Facebook! He kinda looked like this but with a pair of drebeats and his iPhone in his left hand dangling in the aisle.

A note since I wrote this post: My days back from my brief vacation have been painful. I got a stinkin 70 on one of my quizzes and was unpleasantly surprised by a new group project with 2.5 weeks left in my semester. But it was all worth it to see the Black Keys and Tupac come to life.

Photo from Think Basis.

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